
How to setup your personal VPN for 1$

Here we will learn how to create your own personal VPN for 1$/month for 1 minute. OpenVPN or WireGuard to your taste.

  • Register on VPS provider: FirstByte or
  • Go to next link and click button "Order". For example on 'EU-KVM-SSD-START-FIN' tariff plan for 222 roubles.
  • In opened menu select Operating system as "Ubuntu 20", and next click button "В корзину".
  • Now don't forget to enter the Promo code (Промокод): refer_16164. And click button "Оплатить".
  • VPS will be creating approximately 1 hour.
  • After it you will be take email with all passwords.
  • Connect to created VPS by SSH by using the received credentials and run next command:

        - if you want OpenVPN:

wget -O && bash

        - if you want WireGuard:

wget -O && bash
  • Answer to all questions by default
  • Console program install all needed components and in the end give you message about location of created special configuration file. You must download it to your PC.
  • Go to official web sites OpenVPN or WireGuard and download and install apps for your OS or Smartphone.
  • Installed App will be ask you for auth file. Give it to him. Press "Connect".
  • Profit!!!





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