How to make Outline VPN for 1€/month
Here we will learn how to create your own personal Outline VPN for 1€/month for 5 min.
- Register on VPS provider: FirstByte or FirstByte.pro(cheaper)
- Go to next link and click button "Order". For example on 'EU-KVM-SSD-START-FIN' or 'EU-KVM-SSD-Privacy' tariff plan for 1.47€.
- In opened menu select Operating system as "Ubuntu 20.04", and next click button "В корзину".
- Now don't forget to enter the Promo code (Промокод): refer_16164. And click button "Оплатить".
- VPS will be creating approximately from 5 minutes to 1 hour.
- After it you will be take email with all passwords.
- Download Outline manager to your PC: https://getoutline.org/get-started/
- Install and open it. Select "extended"(РАСШИРЕННЫЙ) mode
- Connect to created VPS by SSH by using the received credentials and run next command:
sudo bash -c "$(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-server/master/src/server_manager/install_scripts/install_server.sh)"
- After script executing, you must get special "apiUrl" string, and paste to your outline manager
- In outline manager press "plus" button to create new Key.
- Now you must download and install Outline Client https://getoutline.org/ru/get-started/#step-3
- Paste previously generated key to youc Outline Client
- Press "Connect"
- Profit!!!
If you have any troubles or questions, you can get help here: https://t.me/+17JT99yABvI0OGZi
Если у вас возникли проблемы или вопросы, вы можете получить помощь здесь
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