Algorithm to get the excel-like letter from a number

 * Algorithm to getting a letter from a number
 * also getting the excel-like column name of a number
 * example:
 * 0 - 'A'
 * 25 - 'Z'
 * 26 - 'AA'
function getLetterFromNumber($num)
	$numeric = $num % 26;
	$letter = chr(65 + $numeric);
	$num2 = (int)($num / 26);
	if ($num2 > 0)
		return self::getNameFromNumber($num2 - 1) . $letter;

	return $letter;



Using PhpSpreadsheet (PHPExcel is deprecated)

// result = 'A'

Note index 0 results in 'Z'

if you use PHPExcel Library:

// result = 'A'
$columnLetter = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex(0); // ZERO-based! 

and backwards:

// result = 1
$colIndex = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString('A');
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